Crowns and Bridges

General Dentistry, Cosmetic & Implant Dentist & Denture Specialist in Deerfield Beach, FL

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Crowns and Bridges services offered in Deerfield Beach, FL

Dental crowns and bridges provide long-lasting and natural-looking, restorative options for damaged or decaying teeth. At Century Village Dental in Deerfield Beach, Florida, general and cosmetic dentist Robert Aron, DDS, and the team use crowns and bridges to repair permanent teeth and restore confident smiles. To request a crowns or bridges consultation, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

Crowns and Bridges Q & A

What are dental crowns?

Dental crowns repair severely damaged or decaying teeth. Your Century Village Dental provider bonds the crown on top of your tooth, restoring its size, shape, and appearance.

Century Village Dental offers porcelain crowns. With porcelain, it looks similar to your natural tooth enamel and reflects light in the same way. As a result, the crowns blend in perfectly with your surrounding teeth. 

What are dental bridges?

If you’ve lost a permanent tooth, a dental bridge can fill the gap in your smile and encourage optimal oral health. 

Your provider may use bridges to replace teeth lost because of injuries, gum disease, or tooth decay. 

Who can benefit from crowns and bridges?

At Century Village Dental, the team uses crowns and bridges to help:

  • Protect weak and decaying teeth
  • Restore broken and worn-down teeth
  • Cover teeth with large fillings
  • Cover dental implants
  • Replace two or more missing teeth

You might also need a crown after root canal therapy, a procedure that removes the pulp from the center of a tooth. 

What is the process for getting crowns and bridges?

At Century Village Dental, getting crowns and bridges takes at least two visits a few weeks apart.

During the first visit, your provider reviews your dental records, completes an oral exam, and takes digital X-rays. These steps help them assess the extent of the damage or decay.

Next, your provider administers a local anesthetic and removes a thin layer of enamel from each tooth (about one millimeter thick). Then, they take impressions of your teeth (including the gaps between them) and send your molds to a dental lab.

The dental lab uses your molds to create custom crowns or bridges that fit your teeth perfectly. When they’re ready, you return to Century Village Dental, and your provider bonds it in place, checks your bite, and provides aftercare instructions. 

If you’re getting implant-anchored crowns or bridges, your provider first implants titanium posts that will support your crown or bridge. The implants then fuse with your jaw several months later. At that point, you’ll return to Century Village Dental and your provider will complete the rest of the restoration process.

What is recovery like after getting crowns and bridges?

After getting a crown or bridge, you may experience increased tooth sensitivity and mild gum swelling. You can take over-the-counter pain medication for relief or apply an ice pack to your cheek. 

To see if dental crowns or bridges fit your oral health needs, call Century Village Dental or schedule an appointment online today.